Saturday, August 14, 2010


So, I'm going with YWAM to Germany for a Marriage of The Arts Discipleship Training School where I will be learning more about the craft of photography and more about God. I cannot believe that I leave in 2 weeks and 5 days! A year ago I would never have thought that I'd be giving the next 7 months of my life to God to do with as he pleases...I mean, REALLY giving up all the decisions to him. I'll be spending the first 4 months in Germany, and then the following 3 months in either Asia or Africa. It's so hard for me to just walk in blindly. I don't know where I will be 4 months from now! I mean, I never really know that, but I always know I will be in the US...and now I will be in some 3rd world country and I don't know where I'll be spending New Years Eve! (haha) I've been struggling a lot and learning more than a lot through this whole journey; not only about myself, but about what life is really about! I've been learning to stop being so prideful! That is huge for me. I HATE asking for help and relying on others...but in reality, i'm ALWAYS relying on God and I need to thank him daily for getting me through and providing. This opportunity is far from cheap, and when I first got accepted a family member had offered to pay for the whole thing, but after learning more about it decided she didn't want me to waste my time on missions work and revoked her generous offer. This left me 1 month before departure and $6,000 short of being able to go! I was angry and confused. I was questioning whether this is the work God wanted for me. I prayed that night for guidance and a sign that I was doing the right thing. The next morning I came down stairs and there was a letter for me with 50 euro in it! I thought...well that's sign enough for me!!! So i began planning fundraisers and sending letters and I have raised 1/3 of the money already!! In just 2 1/2 weeks!! God is AMAZING!! I am so excited to see what is in store for me! And please, be praying that I can get the full amount in time!

1 comment:

Casey said...

God is faithful, He is providing, it is evident. I have no doubt that He will do great things through you because of your trust. Just keep trusting.