Friday, September 24, 2010

3 week?!

Wow, I can't believe how fast these weeks are going by! Classes have started now, so I spend most of the day busy. I'm so excited about all of the amazing things that God is doing here! We have had two guest speakers and they were both awesome and I really enjoyed listening to them.

On the third thursday of every month we have a critique, so everyone from the different tracks put their art up everywhere, and the musicians have performances and it's a lot of fun! It's almost like a museum! haha I worked with a girl from the graphic design track on a project this past week. She did the graphics, and I wrote the articles and gathered information and we made a series of 3 posters. They turned out really cool and it was fun to collaborate with another artist on a project like that.

Tomorrow I am going with a few of the guys to this old abandoned factory to take pictures and IM SO EXCITED! I went a few weeks ago also, but never in the evening so, the lighting will be really cool! YAYY hehe and also, we're all going on a small trip to switzerland on Sunday, and then coming back to Germany on Wednesday.

my birthday was a few days ago and it was a wonderful day! My lovely roommates gave me chocolate and 2 cakes! How spoiled am I?! and a bunch of us went out to the field in town and played soccer! such a good day!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Week!

Hello there my dearest blog readers!
This week has been awesome! I am in love with Herrnhut! The forest is beautiful! The sky is bright blue with GIANT, fluffy, whimsical clouds. And the people in the DTS with me are awesome! They are all so cool and I think I we will all be great friends!

We all get assigned a 'chore' that we do everyday to keep the castle clean and tidy. We got to choose our chore that we help with, but then we keep that same chore. I make dinner for everyone with one of my roommates, Bethany. I have 5 roommates. Marie is from Norway, Eva is from Germany, Alli is from northern California, Bethany is from Colorado, and Kaitlyn is from Arizona. I am very happy with my roommates, they are all really great.

The other day i was sitting outside writing, and then a bus of other YWAMERS yelled out the window, "hey Becca, Want to come to Czech?!" and I said "check what?!" and they replied in laughter "no no, Czech Republic!" and so i weighed my options.... "Sure, can I go get some stuff?" and the Australian Girl, Laura shouted "Can you come as you are?!?!" and So i jumped in the bus in my slippers and we were off to Czech Republic. We went to a mall there and saw some rad buildings; A court house, which reminded me of the Beauty and the Beast castle, an old museum, and some others that i didn't know what they were.

Today Katya, Janina (pronounced Yanina), Eva, and I went into town and took pictures and ran errands and adventured. Janina and Eva are from Germany, so they have been teaching me German. Eva is one of my roommates, and she's also been teaching me to read German. Jonas, who is from Switzerland, let me borrow a bible that is half German, half English so I can practice. I'm having a lot of fun learning!

On wednesday we start our art classes and I'm really looking forward to that. I am doing writing and photography. YAY ok well I better go, I have limited Internet =) bye bye for now!